Learning to cope with change, to flourish in a changing world and to enjoy the challenges of new ways of working, thinking and seeing the world: these are all essential attributes of successful organisations and individuals.
Successful change programmes have all the following in place:
- Vision & Leadership
- Skills and experience (with training to enable people to develop new approaches and ways of working)
- Incentives to encourage and support people going into the change process
- Resources to ensure that real changes are embedded
- A realistic, comprehensive and challenging action plan
How I can help you
I have worked with organisations going through periods of major change and used my expertise to support staff to cope with rapid transition, commit to new ways of working and manage the process effectively. My work has also focussed on developing the skill of change agents within organisations to enable them to champion and facilitate internal change processes.
I have also had considerable experience of working in community and social development. This includes direct experience of addressing disadvantage and creating transformative opportunities.